Many time some people ask this question in forums.
Error: The if block is missing a closing "}" character. Make sure you have a matching "}" character for all the "{" characters within this block, and that none of the "}" characters are being interpreted as markup.
@model IEnumerable<GuestbookApp.Models.Guestbook>
ViewBag.Title = "Guestbook";
@Html.ActionLink("Sign Guestbook", "Sign")
<hr />
@if (ViewBag.Result != null)
if (ViewBag.Result == "success")
<div style="border: 1px #138b0e solid; background-color: #deffe0">
<div style="border: 1px #ff6a00 solid; background-color: #fcc7c7">
<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2">
...Where did I go wrong? that's the right if-else statement right? or is there I miss in Razor rules? Please help.. thanks..
How to solve??
Solving code
add this @: in front of div(or any) open and close tag in used if conditions.
for above code issu was solved by,watch below
if (ViewBag.Result == "success")
@:<div style="border: 1px #138b0e solid; background-color: #deffe0">
@:<div style="border: 1px #ff6a00 solid; background-color: #fcc7c7">
and all of you must refer this
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